Check IPO Allotment Status: IPO Allotment Status Online

Investors can check IPO Allotment Status by visiting the registrar’s website (e.g., Linkintime, Kfin Tech) once the allotment is complete. Moreover, BSE, NSE, CDSL, and NSDL also inform IPO investors about the new allotment status via email and SMS. Therefore, investors should monitor both sources to stay updated on their allotment status.

IPO Allotment Status

Check IPO Allotment Status 2024

Check the latest IPO Allotment Status on the registrar’s website. The subscription of these IPOs is closed and the IPO allotment might be around the corner. Stay tuned for the latest updates.

Steps to Check IPO Allotment Status Online

Checking the IPO Allotment Status is simple and can be done via different online platforms. Here’s how:

Using the Registrar’s Website

Most IPOs are managed by a registrar (like Link Intime, KFintech). You can check the allotment status directly on their websites:

  1. Visit the registrar’s official website.
  2. Enter your PAN number, application number, or DP ID.
  3. Submit and view your allotment status.

Using the Stock Exchange Website

You can also check the Allotment Status on the stock exchange (BSE or NSE):

  1. Visit the BSE or NSE website.
  2. Go to the “Equity” section.
  3. Enter your PAN number, application number, and IPO name.
  4. Submit and view your status.

Using Your Demat Account

If you’re registered with brokers like Zerodha, Groww, or Upstox, they provide an easy way to check allotment:

  1. Log in to your Demat account.
  2. Navigate to the IPO section.
  3. Check the Allotment of IPO under your applied IPOs.

Factors Influencing IPO Allotment

Subscription Levels

If an IPO is oversubscribed, not all applicants will receive shares. Subscription levels determine how many shares are allotted to each applicant.

Investor Categories

Different categories of investors, such as retail, HNIs, or institutional investors, have different allotment quotas.

How to Increase Chances of IPO Allotment

Multiple Applications

Submitting multiple applications via different Demat accounts increases your chances.

Applying at the Cut-Off Price

Always apply at the cut-off price to boost your chances of allotment.

Best Platforms to Track Allotment Status

Top IPO Registrars in India

Given the current market scenario, we’ve listed the top IPO registrars in India. For instance, Link Intime and KFin Technologies handle services for mainline IPOs, while all the registrars listed cater to SME IPOs. Furthermore, these registrars are responsible for calculating IPO allotments based on subscription data and uploading the allotment status on their websites. On the allotment date, investors can visit the registrar’s website to check if they received an allotment. Notably, Bigshare Services has managed over 500 IPOs, securing the second spot alongside Link Intime, whereas KFin Technologies has handled more than 400 IPOs to date, with the numbers growing daily.

IPO RegistrarIPO Allotment Link
Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd.Check Here
Link Intime India Pvt Ltd.Check Here
Kfin Technologies Ltd.Check Here
Skyline Financial Services Pvt Ltd.Check Here
Cameo Corporate Services Ltd.Check Here
Purva Sharegistry India Pvt Ltd.Check Here

Tips for IPO Allotment Success

Now that you understand the IPO allotment process, consider these tips to boost your chances of securing an IPO allotted:

  • Diversify Your Applications: Apply for several IPOs to increase your chances of success.
  • Adhere to Timelines: Make sure you submit your applications within the specified time frame to avoid missing out.
  • Research the Company: Conduct thorough research on the company before applying to make informed decisions.
  • Keep Your Documents Ready: Maintain a record of your application details for quick and easy reference.

Several factors influence IPO allotment

  • Oversubscription: Oversubscription occurs when the demand for shares exceeds the available supply. Consequently, the allotment happens on a proportional basis.
  • Allotment Method: Companies may employ different methods for allotment, such as a lottery system or a first-come, first-served approach. The specific method used is typically outlined in the IPO prospectus.
  • Retail vs. Institutional Investors: Allotment ratios can vary between retail and institutional investors, with retail investors often receiving a smaller portion of shares compared to institutional investors.

Tips for First-Time IPO Investors

  • Read the prospectus thoroughly before applying.
  • Stay updated on GMP of IPOs to gauge market sentiment.
  • Only apply for IPOs that match your risk appetite.


Which time IPO is allotted?

Upon the successful crediting of the applied shares to their Demat & Trading accounts, it is termed as IPO allotment. This process usually takes about 1 week, during which allocation occurs. In instances where demand surpasses supply, allocation is determined through a lottery system.

How to check the rights issue allotment status?

Rights Entitlement Letter sent to the shareholders. On the website of the Registrar (by keying in details like Folio Number/ DP ID-Client ID, PAN, etc.). Receipt of credit message from NSDL/ CDSL on credit of REs.

Is IPO allotment based on luck?

The allotment depends on the level of subscription in the IPO and the category in which the investor has applied. Furthermore, in most IPOs, the allotment is made by lottery because they are oversubscribed.

Can I sell IPO shares on listing day?

On the day the company is listed on the stock market, you can start trading at 10:00 a.m. and continue until 3:30 p.m. During this period, you can sell your IPO shares and potentially enjoy significant profits. However, you must trade within this five-and-a-half-hour window.

Is IPO profitable?

No, IPOs do not always have a profit. Often, companies are overvalued or mispriced. Their stock prices frequently fall after the IPO and never recover to the original IPO price. As a result, investors lose money.

Stay updated with the latest IPO news on Bapukhabar. Explore key pages like IPO GMP for the latest (Grey Market Premium) GMP on IPO, IPO Listing for recent and upcoming listings on NSE & BSE, IPO Subscription for real-time subscription data, IPO Allotment to check your allotment status, IPO Forms for application details, and SME IPO for updates on Small and Medium Enterprise IPOs.

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